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Why I’m a “self-hating, boot-licking” Tranny against Gender Ideology

Writer's picture: Aaron KimberlyAaron Kimberly

Updated: Sep 22, 2023

I’ve been so immersed in everything “trans” the past couple of years, I often forget that most people aren’t, and most people are unaware of what’s happening. Most people have no idea what is meant by “gender ideology” until it impacts them personally and may be confused about what the fuss is all about. Like most people, I wish trans was something everyone would stop talking about so we can get on with our lives but, there’s a BIG problem, which more and more people from a variety of backgrounds and political leanings are waking up to.

Here are some example on ramps by which people are understanding the “fuss”:

Parents & teachers

Parents and teachers may encounter this issue because of the policies and resources being suddenly implemented in the public school system. Children are being taught that boys and girls don’t exist - that sex is a spectrum. Kids who identify as trans are allowed to use opposite sex bathrooms and changerooms, and there have been sexual assault incidents in schools as a result. Schools are socially transitioning children (new names and sex markers) without the parents’ knowledge and consent, and may make referrals to some gender clinics without parents’ knowledge and consent. Highly sexualized books are being placed in school libraries in the name of “diversity and inclusion”. Teachers, parents and administrators who have reasonable questions or concerns about specific policies, lessons and resources are being censored and immediately labelled “bigots”.

Parents have also become alarmed when they take their child to a gender clinic and find their child on puberty blockers or hormones on the first visit without much of any assessment, exploration, or education. Parents are told their kids will commit suicide otherwise (there is no evidence that’s the case) and any parent who questions how quickly their children are medicalized are labelled “bigots”. Families are being torn apart by the system, though there is ample evidence that one of the best predictors of these kids’ wellbeing is family involvement and support. Families in opposition to immediate irreversible medical interventions are still capable of supporting their children.

Women and children

New “Self ID” laws and policies mean anyone can declare they are the opposite sex, without any evaluation, diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria or an intersex condition/DSD, documentation, or any medical interventions. This creates a wide-open door of opportunity for predators to abuse the system. Which is happening. For example, male rapists and murders can “Self ID” into women’s prisons, regardless of how they identified prior to their conviction. In Canada, a male who was convicted of viciously raping a 3 month old baby, who started identifying as a woman once convicted, has been transferred to a woman’s prison that has a mother/infant ward.

Self ID also has grave implications for public washrooms and changing rooms. For example, there was an incident in the Los Angeles Wi Spa in which a male with a known criminal history of sexual indecency, exposed his semi erect penis in a woman’s changing room. More recently, in Nanaimo, Canada, a mother noticed a man peeping at naked underage girls in the rec centre changing room. The mother complained and is being dragged over the coals for her “bigotry”. Police are investigating, but it’s unclear if they’re investigating the man or the mother. Canada is that confused about what constitutes decency and criminality.

The implications for children and women are obviously alarming, but these stories rarely make the news because of activist coercion to control the narrative. Journalists who work for government-controlled media aren’t allowed to report these stories. Many prominent journalists are members of the Transgender Journalist Association and follow their Style Guide which outlines what they can and can’t say.

These overreaches in political activism also have devastating implications for trans people themselves, as we become associated with sadistic, predatory, abusive, coercive, and irrational behaviour and ideas. We are seeing greater hostility and estrangement, though the average trans person is just as unaware of what’s happening as the general public.

What is going on?

Gender Ideology

Gender ideology is a shorthand description of a set of well-meaning postmodern political-philosophical ideas that emerged in academia in the early 1990s, recently repackaged and amplified with government and corporate interests. The theory – originally about literary criticism and cultural philosophy – asserts that “male” and “female” are learned performances which can be learned and performed by either sex equally well, thus making biological sex irrelevant as social categories. This is strategic. It’s rooted in the ideas of French philosopher Michel Foucault who wrote that social categories were invented by an oppressor class in order to oppress groups of people, such as “gay” and “women”. The political strategy developed by academics since 1990s (called Queer Theory) intended to protect the oppressed, is to linguistically dismantle these social categories, confusing our understandings of what gay/straight, male/female means. This is called “Queering” a culture. The left has fully embraced this philosophy as Diversity and Inclusion, often-times not realizing what it is or where it came from. We’re being taught that we are all “assigned” a sex at birth, but we all have a “gender identity” that is somehow both fluid and innate, and may or may not match our assigned sex, thus making our assigned sex incorrect and irrelevant. By presenting a gender spectrum, with GI Joe on one end and Barbie on the other (both extreme stereotypes of maleness and femaleness) anyone who plots themselves along that spectrum is some type of “trans”, not quite male and not quite female.

No wonder we’re seeing a startling 4000% increase in young people showing up to gender clinics wanting to change sex!

This is a marked departure from the science of what Gender Dysphoria is – a rare condition with multiple, well studied pathways to it – which can cause great distress and compel some to medically feminize or masculinize their bodies and are provided the legal fiction of a sex change.

Queer Theory has NOTHING to do with Gender Dysphoria.

In addition to the grotesque societal problems emerging from Queering our culture, disproportionally impacting women, children and marginalized people, trans people are internalizing Queer Theory as a self-defining psychology. Many clinicians themselves are actively Queering patients and not providing patients with any of the evidence about Gender Dysphoria. I believe this is having a destabilizing impact on trans people, because Queer Theory is meant to destabilize. It’s meant to dismantle societal structures which, when internalized, also dismantles psychological structures about biological sex, identity, and sexuality. This is not the fault of the patients who are indoctrinated by the clinicians and institutions. Queer activists have pushed almost all evidence-based clinicians out of the field.

Queer theorists, in their ever-expanding scope of “diversity” keep inventing new categories and identities. There are now hundreds of new “genders” and neopronouns as bizarre as “cloud” and “colour” genders. The international agency that writes the guidelines for providing care (WPATH) now has a chapter for Eunuch gender identities for castration fetishists. The chapter links to a website called the Eunuch Archives that contains pornography about castrating young boys. One of the authors of that chapter, Richard J. Wassersug, urges Islam to stop beheading captives and castrate them instead.

Though many Queer activists deny the reality that Gender Dysphoria is related to sexual orientation, they also champion the inclusion of all atypical sexualities, including pedophilia, which has been rebranded “Minor Attracted Person”.

Since 2022, under Canadian law as elsewhere, it’s now considered illegal for any counsellor to attempt to change a client’s “gender identity”, which would include all of the hundreds of new gender identities thus coding Queer Theory into law and criminalizing any opposition to it.

Take a moment to let that sink in.

If you have a child that identifies as a cat-gender who has taken to meowing instead of talking, your government is telling you to “roll with it or you’re a bigot” and any counsellor who tries to challenge such a self concept could go to prison for 3 years under our poorly worded Conversion Therapy law.

People with the condition Gender Dysphoria are few, and are being used in this activist movement that’s being backed by governments and big business at the federal and international level, driving greater hostility towards the people who have Gender Dysphoria.

And this barely scratches the surface of what’s happening under everyone’s noses.

This is why I’m so passionate about educating about Gender Dysphoria, despite subjecting myself to both real transphobia, personal losses, and hostility from the Queer lobby.

These are not our crimes.

We don't need Queer Theory to achieve an inclusive and safe society.

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Caleb Oeming
Caleb Oeming
Feb 22, 2023

I am a gay transgender man, which means I date men. I transitioned a decade ago, and do not regret it one bit. I appreciate your article and thoughts, I agree that gender ideology is not helpful and is in many cases harmful. I do want to touch on some things you brought up, namely, the predators. Yes, predators are a problem, however, predators are in every group, so it doesn't matter if they identify as trans or not; being trans does not make them a predator, being cis does not make them a predator. Conversely, being trans does not protect them from being a predator and being cis does not protect them from being a predator. A predator is…

Feb 26, 2023
Replying to

"predators are in every group, so it doesn't matter if they identify as trans or not; being trans does not make them a predator, being cis does not make them a predator. Conversely, being trans does not protect them from being a predator and being cis does not protect them from being a predator. A predator is a predator and needs whatever therapy and medical interventions one gets (along with the appropriate legal consequences)."

Thoroughly agree that they are in every group, but so far research on this topic seems to point out that homospiens of the male sex tend to be more predatory and have a more predsposition to various paraphilias on average, regardless of the sex of their…


Feb 22, 2023

It's a lonely place to be. People with a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria that don't have a "gender identity" are not accepted by the "trans" community. I hoped that one day research would emerge to answer the question why I've had life long gender dysphoria. Queer theory has no need of an answer. It had no need of the question. Sad for those who desperately wanted to solve the puzzle.


Feb 21, 2023

You have greatly helped me understand what's going on. Is there anything an average citizen can do to help?


Feb 21, 2023

Thank you Aaron. You are speaking out at great cost. I think we need 3rd spaces. Men with this condition need a safe space without invading women’s.


Feb 21, 2023

Thanks for all you are doing Aaron.

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